Let’s Go to School with Dr. Z-More Classes on Z4 Available

Dr. Z has added classes due to the popularity of the Z4. You can register online (below.) They will take place at 2 pm and 8 pm next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (March 23, 24 and 25.)

This class will cover the Z4 (the downloadable videophone.) The Z4 allows you to download software onto your netbook, laptop or desktop and it will become a full-functioning videophone (with a webcam or a built-in webcam.) Dr. Z will also answer any questions you may have about the Z4 live!

Signing up for class is simple! Just go to www.drzvrs.com/school and click on the class you want to enter. You will receive a confirmation and the day before the class, you will receive some materials. At the time of the class, Dr. Z will call you to have you join the class.

Let’s Rock with the Z4!

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z is a contractor working with CSDVRS on several projects.