Z5 on Your iPad–A Different Way to Use It


What has been happening of late–we have noticed that the iPad’s role has changed in the household. It has become more popular and used for different things such as watching TV, viewing movies and playing games. More people are getting another iPad for their home to be used just for video communication so that when you need to make a call, you won’t need to interrupt someone from watching a movie on an iPad to make a call. Or when a call comes in, you have to stop the movie to get the call.

Solution? Get another iPad, so you can free it for just video communication with the Z5!

How’s that?


So easy so simple!

By the way, if you need video communication (VP or VRS), why not try Z5, you will like it! Click here to get it! (See if you qualify to get a FREE tablet with a stand!)

Dr. Z is proud to be part of the team that understands and listens to the needs of the deaf and hard of hearing community!

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development