Why is a VP-200 not recognizing calls from my Z-150?

On 7/28/09 2:07 PM, a deaf consumer from the University of Pittsburgh wrote:

I received the 150 for our university’s deaf staff and find that it can not make calls to people who have Sorenson VP….how can that be possible? Does FCC allow that?????? What do I have to do about this? I got CDSVRS to place calls and find that I can’t…..
Dear Interested Consumer:

Yes, we are aware of the situation you are experiencing and this is an issue we have brought to the attention of Sorenson. What’s happening is Sorenson is not putting the phone numbers of those Sorenson VP units on the national data base. You can read the editorial on the Dr. Z website on this matter:


We are working hard to make this happen, and the FCC is aware of this issue. You might want to file a complaint with the FCC on this as well using this link (Docket Number 03-123):


Other forms of filing complaints can be found at this link:


Thank you for asking.

Phil (Dr. Z)