How do I get a copy of Z4 (to be downloaded to my PC or Mac) and use it?

Dr. Z has made it easy for you to get a copy of Z4.

Click the following link (which is to the website) to register:

Register for Z4

This will get you to the profile page.

If you do not have a profile, register for a free account using the following link:

Register for a free account

If you have a profile, enter your userid and password.

After you register, look in your email inbox for an email from ZVRS. This email will give you your new phone number and password for Z4 along with a link to download Z4.

Click on the link provided in the email to download. After you download your copy of Z4, run it and you will get a request to enter your userid and password. Use the phone number and password to login and you will then be ready to use Z4!

Click the following to get a copy of the Z4 Quick Start User’s Guide.

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z is a contractor working with CSDVRS on several projects.