Editorial #34-Truths and Myths #1 of 5-Porting/Switching is NOT Stealing

Dr. Z wants to set the record straight–there have been statements made by representatives of Sorenson to consumers. This will begin a series of debunking those myths being perpetuated by them.

Regarding porting/switching: The myth being perpetuated is that it amounts to “stealing”. The truth is that it is the consumer’s right to decide which provider they want. Porting/switching is moving the consumer’s phone number from one videophone to another–nothing more, nothing less and it is not “stealing”–it is a choice.

Porting/switching is mandated by the FCC and is a common practice in the hearing world for choosing a new provider.

Porting/switching is a right–it is not stealing–it is an opportunity for consumers to select the company that meets their needs best. The consumer is fully informed of the fact that some features of the old phones will be “lost.”

Dr. Z wants to set the record straight so consumers have full access to facts–not myths.

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.