Protect Your Social Security Number or Account Number with ZVRS “DTMF”

One of the coolest features offered by ZVRS is our “DTMF” feature.

What is it?

This takes advantage of touch tone dialing. You do not have to spell out your credit card or your social security number to the video interpreter. You also do not have to tell the video interpreter to press “1″ for “English”, or “2″ for “Account Information”. Those days are over when you use ZVRS. With all of ZVRS phones and software, you just press your social security number or your account number on the Z-Phone (Z-20, Z-340, Z-Ojo, Z-150, Z4 and Z4 Mobile)keys—the interpreter will not see if and it passes thru to the other party you are calling. That is INDEPENDENCE, SECURITY and SAFETY for you!!

“DTMF” works only when you’re connected to the automated system or computerized system. It will not work when you’re connected to a LIVE person on the other end.

DTMF for engineers stands for Dual Tone Multi Frequency

Happy “Pressing”!

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development and Outreach.

Editorial #104: What is a Certified Interpreter? Why Some VRS Providers Such as Sorenson Hire Qualified but not Certified Interpreters?

Dr. Z has been traveling across the country with 2 other Dr. Z Associates.

One of the questions and subjects being addressed at those town hall meetings has been whether VRS interpreters are certified. The fact of the matter is some VRS providers do not have certified interpreters–they say thay have qualified interpreters. That is different from having certified interpreters.

ZVRS has 100% certified interpreters on their staff.

You need to check with other VRS providers if their interpreting staff is 100% certified. By saying thay have certified interpreters is not the same as having 100% certified interrpeters.

One VRS provider (Sorenson VRS) on their website says they have national or state certifications… OR “have the professional interpreting experience to become a Sorenson VRS interpreter, subject to skill set verification and screening.” This is not the same as being “CERTIFIED.” What if the interpreter violates some certification requirements, the deaf and hard of hearing consumer has no protection. Also some VRS providers use Canadian interpreters such as Sorenson VRS. These interpreters are not necessarily certified in the US. This affords us no protection as consumers.

Dr. Z cares about our rights as VRS consumers.

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclaimer: Dr. Z is currently the Vice-President of Business Development and Outreach at CSDVRS, LLC.

Got iPhone, IPod and IPad or your Laptop! ZVRS is here for you!

With an iPhone, IPod, IPad or your laptop, you are no longer cut off from the rest of the world when you are out of your house.

ZVRS will be with you once you are out of your house.

Z4 Mobile is on your Apple device. You can use Z4 Mobile to make calls from your Apple device!

Z One Stop has information on the deaf and hard of hearing community. You can get it on your Apple device. It works with the Z4 Mobile to make video calls.

Z4 for your laptop enables your laptop with a webcam to make video calls.

How’s that for independence! Click on the following links for more information and download the software/app for your device!

Z4 Mobile (link)
Z OneStop (link)
Z4 (link)

Your contact list (address book) works on all devices–you don’t have to re-enter them for each device. Just add/change your address book once–it updates all devices automatically!


Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development and Outreach.

New from ZVRS!! Z OneStop App for iPhone, IPod and IPad! Download from iTunes Store

Under development for close to a year, ZVRS is rolling out a new app for the iPhone, iPod Touch and the iPad!

What is it called? Z OneStop!

What does it do? It is a one-stop app for almost everything you need! News, highlights, a directory of deaf and hard of hearing organizations such as associations and schools.

How do you get it? Download from the iTunes Store, using the following link.

Do not have an iPhone or iPad, you can browse the same information at!

If you have the Z4 Mobile App, run it together with the Z OneStop. Phone numbers in Z OneStop automatically dial using the Z4 Mobile app!


Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development and Outreach.

Editorial #103: FCC: Deaf/HOH Organizations Meet with FCC on new NPRM (NAD, TDI, ALDA)

On February 6, 2012, representatives of TDI, NAD and ALDA met with officials at the FCC to express their thoughts about the proposed rules for VRS (NPRM), comments which are due in early March.

Here is a summary of the points brought up in the meeting, as quoted from the ex-parte filing they submitted (link). For more information, it is recommended that you read the filing in its entirety as the following summary does not cover everything:

– expressed support for a pilot program to assist deaf and hard of hearing users obtain access to broadband services
– expressed their support for proposals to achieve interoperability, the transition from H.323 to SIP, and the availability of off-the-shelf equipment for VRS users
– urged the FCC to consider ways to measure the hearing population’s use of and experience with VRS
– noted that higher quality VRS calls could reduce the time spent on a single call and also reduce the need for additional calls that are sometimes required due to poor interpreter/service quality
– expressed concerns with the proposed per user methodology
– expressed concern with the Commission’s belief that a per user compensation methodology will increase competition among VRS providers
– urged the FCC to protect consumers’ privacy when designing any VRS-related databases
– asked the FCC to consider the dilemma that consumers who are deaf or hard of hearing may experience if the FCC adopts the one provider, one customer model (in the event the default provider is not available to process the call)
– expressed concern about the sheer volume of …the NPRM, the lack of a public education campaign to inform VRS users about the proposals, and the lack of a thorough ASL version of the NPRM as well as the inability to accept video comments in ASL – the very language of the people who use VRS

It is Dr. Z’s opinion that the respective organizations will file formal comments regarding their thoughts on the NPRM. The NPRM has the potential of changing VRS as we know it–what we do not know is what it could lead to and how it could change how we use VRS.

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclaimer: Dr. Z is currently the Vice-President of Business Development and Outreach at CSDVRS, LLC.

ZVRS — Come Try Our Interpreters! They’re the Best!

Who has the best interpreters in the VRS industry? Dr. Z says its ZVRS! How did he come to that conclusion?

In the last few months, Dr. Z tried different providers to personally assess the quality of their interpreters.

While Dr. Z is affiliated with ZVRS, he was doing this as a deaf consumer, because the quality of interpreters in a VRS setting is important to facilitate calls.

Dr. Z has come to the conclusion–ZVRS interpreters are far better! Try using us if you haven’t. If you have a VP-200, or nTouch, try calling us at 888-888-1116 and you will be floored!

Our interpreters are 100% certified, not like some of the providers in the VRS industry.

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development and Outreach.

Editorial #102: FCC: Free 800/866 Numbers for VRS Will End November 21, 2012

Dr. Z is still seeing people use 866 numbers and giving them to their friends, relatives and doctors.

Dr. Z wants to remind everyone that FREE 800/866 numbers for VRS will stop on November 21, 2012. All VRS providers have been asked by the FCC to stop servicing 800/866 numbers on that date.

If you want to keep your 800/866 numbers, you will have to pay a monthly fee.

What should you do? Just give out your local number, instead of your 800/866 number. Local numbers are free.

In the next few weeks, ZVRS will make a list available of who you need to contact to service your 800/866 numbers for a monthly fee.

Here’s the link to the FCC web page on this subject.

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclaimer: Dr. Z is currently the Vice-President of Business Development and Outreach at CSDVRS, LLC.

ZVRS Has a New Website! Come Take a Look!

After months of effort, the people at ZVRS have come out with a brand-new website.

The website was designed with you in mind. With over 25 products, features and services, the old website was beginning to outgrow its usefulness. The new website allows you to access all our products, services and features with just one click!

Also, with each feature, we have put in instructions to make it easier for you to use our wonderful features. We will continue to enhance the website with more instructional videos for each product, feature and service.

Also, the website is enabled for your mobile device! It is as beautiful on your iPhone or iPad as it is on your desktop or laptop. We did a major effort so that any change we make, it needs to be done only once and it is reflected on your web version or your mobile version.


Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development and Outreach.

Caller ID is Here for All Z-Phones and Better Address Book for Z-20!

The engineers at ZVRS are at it again! Out of their lab they have cooked up 2 cool features for ZVRS users out there.

Now you will know who is calling you–on your Z-Phone you will see the name/phone number of the calling party. It is not ready for the Z4 yet but will soon. It works for the Z-20, Z-340 and Z-Ojo. How’s that for functional equivalency. This has been the most commonly requested feature from our users out there. It works for calls coming in from the VP-200!

On the Z-20, you now can see the entire phone directory, instead of being limited to 8 lines–you can scroll down or enter the string to jump to the person you want to dial.

For the video on Caller ID, click this link.

For the video on Address Book for the Z-20, click this link.

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development and Outreach.

Editorial #101: FCC: FNPRM (11-184) Analysis #2-Tiered Rates

Another proposed rule has to do with tiered rates. The FCC is asking whether tiered rates make sense. We all know that fixed costs are the same for all VRS companies which means that it costs more for smaller VRS companies to provide the service than its for larger VRS companies. That is why tiered rates allow small companies to compete on an even playing field with larger VRS companies.

What is a tiered rate? If for example a per user rate or per minutes ate would be in effect, the smaller VRS companies would get a higher rate than the larger VRS companies. This enables smaller VRS companies to provide the service. If there were one rate, it’s possible that the smaller VRS companies will drop out of the market.

Dr. Z is of the opinion that we need a number of VRS companies out there so there can be competition. If companies drop out, we will have less competition and therefore less service and features.

Here’s the link to the proposed rules.

Here’s the link to comment to the FCC on those proposed rules.

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclaimer: Dr. Z is currently the Vice-President of Business Development and Outreach at CSDVRS, LLC.