Editorial #118: Traveling in Ireland…VP? Uploading and Downloading?

Dr. Z is on vacation in Ireland.

He has been traveling from Dublin to Southern and Southwest Ireland. There is wi-fi in every town but the upload speeds are too low for viable video communication. The download speeds are usually good.

What is upload and download? Internet works like a two-way street. Download is when you receive information from the Internet to your device. Upload is when you send information from your device to the Internet. Most of the time, the download speed is much faster than the upload speed because we get more information on our device than we send it.

For good video communication, the upload and download speed need to be over 1.0 Mbps…when you access www.speedtest.net, it allows you to test the upload and download speeds. If it is over 1.00 for both upload and download, you should be able to do good video communication. If it is below .50, you might have trouble communicating via video. Most of the time in Ireland, the download speeds are over 1.00 but upload speeds have been between 0.10 and 0.30.

Dr. Z will continue to test wifi as he travels the next few weeks and report back.

By the way, Ireland is such a wonderful country, with beautiful sights and great food!

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development

Editorial #117: Hearing People Out There–It’s Time to Thank Deaf and Hard of Hearing People!

This is an update of an editorial published almost 2 years ago.

Dr. Z did some research and looking back on technological developments the past 100 years, he has identified 3 things that hearing people have the deaf and hard of hearing people to thank for.

The first is the telephone-which supposedly came about while Alexander Graham Bell was working on an hearing aid for his deaf wife, Mabel. Out of that work, he came up with the telephone, which the deaf people didn’t have full benefit until almost 75 years later with the development of the TTY modem by Robert Weitbrecht.

The second thing is closed captioning. When the concept was first brought to the public in the 1970’s, the hearing community found it distracting and they went back to the drawing boards and made captioning “closed” instead of “open”. Today, we see captioning in bars and gyms and well-used by hearing people. Without captioning, they would be “deaf” in those environments to enjoy TV. Now, in 2012, we are beginning to see more captioning on the Internet. The FCC has ruled that any TV shows previously shown on TV must be captioned if they are to be shown on the Internet.

The deaf people were quick to pick up video communication when it was first commercialized in 1999. For the past 11 years, the hearing community used video only in business environments to cut down on travel costs, and they did not think it would be useful in the consumer community–preferring voice communication instead. Look at video communication today, it is becoming almost mainstream. With tablets and smartphones coming out every now and then—they all are coming out with FRONT-FACING cameras. That was not the case a few years ago. More and more people are using software-based apps such as the Z4 and soon to come Z5 to enable video communication.

The bottom line–with a diverse community worldwide–each segment of the community has values and developments that benefit the rest of the community–this is true with those 3 developments Dr. Z just mentioned. That is cross-pollination for everyone!

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development

Labor Day Treat for iPhone and iPad Users–Popular Games on Sale by EA! Limited Time!

Dr. Z has a Labor Day treat for iPhone and iPad users. It can stop anytime now. But today, theres a big sale of popular games such as Monoloply, Scrabble, Risk and sports such as Madden NFL for 99 cents! Normally they are between $2.99 and $6.99.

EA is the company that publishes these games and they usually go on sale during holidays but they sometimes pull these off without warning so take advantage of it NOW!

Here’s a link to the list of those games on sale:  http://www.iosnoops.com/2012/08/30/iphone-and-ipad-apps-price-drops-august-30/

Enjoy your long weekend!

Disclaimer: Dr. Z and ZVRS do not have any interest in EA, nor do we assume any responsibility for price changes after this posting.

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development

The Best Interpreters!

People ask Dr. Z why they should use ZVRS?

We have a good product set (Z-20, Z4) which makes use of benefits (Call Alert, Private Dialing, etc.).

But our secret is our INTERPRETERS! Dr. Z knows our interpreters are the best and they all are CERTIFIED! Interpreters from other VRS companies are not necessarily 100% certified. You can see the difference. Our interpreters start and end calls with a smile.

Want to try us? Let’s call 888-888-1116 from your nTouch, VP-200 or P3.

Try us, you will like us.

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development

Editorial #116: Interoperability–Can VP’s talk to Other VP’s? Gallaudet Did a Study

What is “interoperability”?

It means for VRS that “devices from different vendors and providers work with each other.”

Gallaudet’s Technology Access Program did some research and made a presentation at the recent NAD conference. In doing the research, they set up a lab and did over 800 calls between devices from all VRS providers. Some VRS providers were better than others and Dr. Z has included a link to part of their presentation below:

Excerpt of NAD Presentation on Interoperability (summary-brief document)

Full Version NAD Presentation on Interoperability (technical-huge document)

We understand that the FCC has looked into this issue and it is Dr. Z’s hope that all VP’s (videophones) will be able to communicate with other VP’s like hearing people have with their cell phones.

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclaimer: Dr. Z is currently the Vice-President of Business Development and Outreach at CSDVRS, LLC.

Editorial #115: FCC: Free 800/866 Numbers for VRS Will End November 21, 2012


Dr. Z is still seeing people use 866 numbers and giving them to their friends, relatives and doctors.

Dr. Z wants to remind everyone that FREE 800/866 numbers for VRS will stop on November 21, 2012. All VRS providers have been asked by the FCC to stop servicing 800/866 numbers on that date.

If you want to keep your 800/866 numbers, you will have to pay a monthly fee.


What should you do? Just give out your local number, instead of your 800/866 number. Local numbers are free.

In the next few weeks, ZVRS will make a list available of who you need to contact to service your 800/866 numbers for a monthly fee.

Here’s the link to the FCC web page on this subject.

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclaimer: Dr. Z is currently the Vice-President of Business Development and Outreach at CSDVRS, LLC.

Interview with DeafTechNews on Z Mobile, Z Desktop and Firefly

During the DeafNation show, Dr. Z was interviewed by Samuel Sandoval of DeafTechNews on the new Z products–Z Mobile, Z Desktop and Firefly.

Firefly is a project ZVRS worked with the students at NTID/RIT. They came up with a bluetooth device which vibrates and flashes when a phone call comes in. The product will be available later this year.

Here are the links to the interviews:

Interview on Z Mobile and Z Desktop

Interview on Firefly

Here are the links to our website on those new products:

Z Mobile for Apple iOS

Z Desktop

Enjoy! It is so easy, so simple…#soeasysosimple!

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development

The Future is Coming! The All New Z Mobile for iOS and Z Desktop in Las Vegas!

Here it is! #soeasysosimple #soeasysosimple #soeasysosimple

We will be demonstrating the best mobile and desktop stuff for video communication at Deaf Nation World Expo at the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas next week! (July 30-August 1)

ZVRS has partnered with a group of deaf developers to develop the user interface and software for our new flagship products for the iPhone, iPad, PC and Mac.

We started earlier this year, identifying what would be the easiest way to do video communication. We wanted something so easy so simple to use, requiring the lowest number of clicks to do what we wanted to do-resulting in simple, easy to navigate screens. It is something ZVRS IS VERY PROUD OF!

The software will be ready to download in a few weeks. The Android version will be available this fall.

Here are the links to our website on those new products:

Z Mobile for Apple iOS

Z Desktop

Enjoy! It is so easy, so simple…#soeasysosimple!

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development

Editorial #114: Using Your Mobile Device on Vacation

Now that summer vacation time is around–you all are most likely aware from home and not tugging along your hard-wired VP with you when you are on the road.

What is the alternative? Your mobile device (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android) with the Z4 software loaded onto them is a great solution. Some of you may be taking your laptops–you can have Z4 loaded onto those as well!

For those devices with wifi, you are limited to using them when you are near a wifi hotspot such as a hotel or restaurant.

For those of you with a mobile device with 4G capabilities, you can use video while the car is moving as a PASSENGER-not as the DRIVER. Dr. Z has conducted meetings using his mobile phone in a car as a passenger using 4G! Be mindful–most 4G have data plans that have a 2GB cap–which is about 2-3 hours of mobile video communication per MONTH.

Dr. Z has found that 4G with a good signal to be more reliable than wifi due to the steadiness of the signal.

Enjoy mobile video!!

How to use wifi with Z? Download Z4 for PC and Mac, iOS (Apple) and Android (click the links.)

Look for the NEW Z Mobile for iOS and Z Desktop for PC and Mac in a few weeks!

Happy traveling from Dr. Z!

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development and Outreach.

Editorial #113: Dr. Z on the Latest in WiFi and 4G in Public Places

This is an update of Editorial #106 on the subject of wifi in public places. In the span of a few months some things have changed and Dr. Z wants to bring you up to date on using wifi or 4G in public places.

The good news is that we have an alternative to wifi which works well with video–it is 4G or 4G LTE (“4G”). If you see “4G” on your phone, it will do video better than “3G”. In some situations, 4G will work better than wifi. This was not true several months ago. 4G is not everywhere, but the phone companies are continuing to add 4G all over the country–we will see many more areas with 4G later this year.

The only issue with 4G is that video communication uses a lot of data and it can go against your monthly 2GB cap or whatever your cap is. With wifi, there’s no cap.

Hotels: they have started to become a bit better. Some offer a separate tier (higher price) for video connections. Hotel lobby and conference rooms sometimes are better than rooms because the signal is stronger in those areas. Some rooms are near the end of buildings which offer weak signals.

Airports: About the same. Use of Boingo, a paid service is reliable. Some airports offer free wifi, but not all can handle video

Airplanes: Dr. Z has used Southwest and Delta wifi in planes. Both do not offer video and even with regular web browsing its SLOW!

Barnes and Noble: Not reliable for video, some locations better than others.

Starbucks: Fairly reliable for video, some locations better than others.

Dunkin Donuts, Panera Bread: Not used there enough to give you an opinion.

How to use wifi with Z? Download Z4 for PC and Mac, iOS (Apple) and Android (click the links.)

Look for the NEW Z Mobile for iOS and Z Desktop for PC and Mac in a few weeks!

Happy traveling from Dr. Z!

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development and Outreach.