How to Watch the Super Bowl with Twitter and Facebook? Try It!

You can enhance your TV viewing experience while watching the Super Bowl with your mobile phone or iPad in your hand.

You can experience Twitter for the first time and get an idea of how this works.

Download Twitter from the Apple App store (for iOS) or Google Play (for Android).

After you set your account up, at the top of your screen, you will see a bar “Search Twitter”. Type the following hashtag “#SB49”

You will see a Twitter feed of news, comments and facts related to the Super Bowl. Swipe down on the screen to see new feeds as they will appear frequently.

Facebook also created a live news feed for the Super Bowl.

Type “superbowl” in your Facebook search bar. Then scroll down to “Live Feed” with a green icon.

No need for the game to begin to use Twitter or Facebook. The feed is already live so you can start “practicing.”


By the way, if you want something for your desktop, why not get Z5 MAX? Click this link.

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development