Happy Holidays! This is the 4th “gift” from ZVRS–all the goodies we have to offer during the holiday season and beyond.
The “gift” is “DTMF”–this is the name given to touch tone dialing….what is it? You do not have to spell out your credit card or your social security number to the video interpreter. You also do not have to tell the video interpreter to press “1” for “English”, or “2” for “Account Information”. Those days are over when you use ZVRS. With all of ZVRS phones and software, you just press your social security number or your account number on the Z-Phone )Z-20, Z-340, Z-Ojo, Z-150, Z4 and Z4 Mobile)keys—the interpreter will not see if and it passes thru to the other party you are calling. That is INDEPENDENCE, SECURITY and SAFETY for you!!
DTMF works only when you’re connected to the automated system or computerized system. It will not work when you’re connected to a LIVE person on the other end.
DTMF for engineers stands for Dual Tone Multi Frequency
Happy “Pressing”!
Dr. Z cares about your communication access.
Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is an employee with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Marketing.
Previous Gifts:
International Travel
My Phone Number