Editorial #131: Message to Sorenson: Stop Talking with a Forked Tongue!

The deaf community and the FCC are confused.

Sorenson is telling the FCC to please not cut rates or VRS will never be the same.

That’s because Sorenson is creating this mess.

While crying to the FCC not to cut rates and at the same time, behind the FCC’s back, Sorenson is giving away iPad’s, laptops and TV’s to consumers in an attempt to port them back. This has nothing to do with functional equivalence, but a pure attempt to steal customers from other providers. The other providers have no choice but to try to do those things to keep their customers. This giveaway is costing Sorenson money and at the same time, they’re telling the FCC not to cut rates–this is in effect using public money to subsidize the free equipment they’re throwing away at customers. Does this make sense?

The whole thing is insane–this has nothing to do with VRS as a service. Dr. Z hopes the FCC is listening. Public money for VRS needs to focus on VRS as a service–certified interpreters, quick answer time and interoperability should be the focus, not free stuff.

Thanks for listening.

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclaimer: Dr. Z is currently the Vice-President of Business Development and Outreach at CSDVRS, LLC.