Editorial #116: Interoperability–Can VP’s talk to Other VP’s? Gallaudet Did a Study

What is “interoperability”?

It means for VRS that “devices from different vendors and providers work with each other.”

Gallaudet’s Technology Access Program did some research and made a presentation at the recent NAD conference. In doing the research, they set up a lab and did over 800 calls between devices from all VRS providers. Some VRS providers were better than others and Dr. Z has included a link to part of their presentation below:

Excerpt of NAD Presentation on Interoperability (summary-brief document)

Full Version NAD Presentation on Interoperability (technical-huge document)

We understand that the FCC has looked into this issue and it is Dr. Z’s hope that all VP’s (videophones) will be able to communicate with other VP’s like hearing people have with their cell phones.

Dr. Z cares about your communication access.

Disclaimer: Dr. Z is currently the Vice-President of Business Development and Outreach at CSDVRS, LLC.