The best video communication software for VRS and point-to-point–Z5 Mobile for iPhone and iPad!
It is available now!
What makes the Z5 different from the other software videophones–many things, and it vibrates for incoming calls!
LOOK AT THE CARTOON. You won’t have this problem when you have Z5! It vibrates when you get a call! If you forget to start Z5, Z Alert will also vibrate as it sends you an email. If people leave a video message for you, it will vibrate as it sends you an email notifying you about the video message. You are never out of touch with Z5 and ZVRS!
Z5, Z Alert, Videomail–you will never miss a call!
For more information on the Z5 Mobile for iPhone and iPad, click this link.
Dr. Z is proud to be part of the team that understands and listens to the needs of the deaf and hard of hearing community!
Dr. Z cares about your communication access.
Try Z5 Mobile, you will LOVE it, just like Dr. Z!
Disclosure: Dr. Z (Philip W. Bravin) is associated with CSDVRS, currently its Vice-President of Business Development